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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Exploring the Influence of Student Knowledge, Interests, and Values on Educational Outcomes in Wushu Education: A Conceptual Framework

Qiang Wang, Mohd Syafiq Bin Md Salleh

Open access

This study aims to explore the impact of student knowledge, interests, and values on educational outcomes in Wushu education. It examines how engagement in Wushu affects students' cognitive development, personal interests, and value systems, and identifies key factors influencing student engagement and learning outcomes. By integrating theories such as Constructivist Learning Theory, Self-Determination Theory, and Value-Belief-Norm Theory, this research provides a comprehensive understanding of the educational impact of Wushu. The findings highlight the importance of aligning educational strategies with students' intrinsic motivations and values to enhance both academic and personal growth within martial arts education. Recommendations for educators include integrating both theoretical and practical knowledge, tailoring approaches to individual interests, and emphasizing core values to improve engagement and outcomes in Wushu training. Future research should explore additional factors such as psychological resilience, social influences, and digital technologies to further enhance martial arts education.

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(Qiang & Salleh, 2024)
Qiang, W., & Salleh, M. S. B. M. (2024). Exploring the Influence of Student Knowledge, Interests, and Values on Educational Outcomes in Wushu Education: A Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 1257–1263.