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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Speech Act Analysis of Facebook Status Updates among Young Iraqis

Imad Amer Abdulbaqi, Wan Farah Wani Wan Fakhruddin

Open access

The emergence of social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat, has revolutionized interpersonal communication. These platforms connect people, allowing them to receive encouragement and engage in various forms of verbal interactions. Speech acts, encompassing a wide range of linguistic activities, have become prevalent in online communication. People use words not only to express themselves but also to influence others and prompt specific actions. Speech acts play a crucial role in understanding language use in virtual environments. This paper aims to explore the analysis of speech acts in Facebook status updates among young Iraqis. By examining the types, motivations, and impact of speech acts, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of communication patterns in virtual environments. The study focuses on the challenges and issues associated with the language used in speech acts by young Iraqis on Facebook. The investigation of speech acts in Facebook status updates among young Iraqis is particularly relevant due to the widespread use of social media platforms in the region. By shedding light on speech act analysis, this research provides valuable insights into language use and communication dynamics in the digital age. It contributes to the theoretical foundations of speech acts and their application in computer-mediated communication. In conclusion, this paper offers insights into the speech act analysis of Facebook status updates among young Iraqis. By addressing the challenges specific to the context of Facebook and examining the impact of speech acts on social interaction, this study advances our understanding of communication in virtual environments.

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(Abdulbaqi & Fakhruddin, 2024)
Abdulbaqi, I. A., & Fakhruddin, W. F. W. W. (2024). Speech Act Analysis of Facebook Status Updates among Young Iraqis. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 1472–1488.