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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Enhancing Student's 3D Development and Mental Rotation Skill using Augmented Reality

Dayana Farzeeha Ali, Aimi Ruzaini Ahmad, Marlissa Omar

Open access

The increasing importance of augmented reality (AR) environments in education highlights their potential to enhance students' mental rotation abilities and 3-Dimensional (3D) visualization skills, particularly in engineering drawings. Enhancing these skills is crucial to understand and interpret complex engineering drawings concepts effectively. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the effects of AR-based learning environments on students' mental rotation abilities and 3D visualization skills in engineering drawing education. This study employed a quasi-experimental design with a treatment group engaged in immersive AR-based sessions, whereas the control group received traditional instruction. Both groups were assessed using the Purdue Spatial Visualization Test for Rotation (PSVT:R) and the Purdue Spatial Visualization Test for Development (PSVT:D) before and after the intervention. The analysis methods for both the experimental and control groups included paired sample statistics and paired differences to evaluate pre-test and post-test scores. The findings indicated significant improvements in the treatment group's mental rotation and 3D development skills compared to the control group. Specifically, the AR environment facilitated a substantial increase in PSVT:R and PSVT:D scores, demonstrating the effectiveness of AR in enhancing the spatial visualization skills crucial for engineering education. This study suggests that integrating AR technology into educational practices can significantly improve learning outcomes and, offer valuable insights for educators and instructional designers. Further research should explore the long-term effects of AR-based learning and its applicability across different engineering disciplines to maximize its educational potential.

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