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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Unraveling The Relationship Between Autistic Traits and Self-Esteem: Insights From A Systematic Literature Review

Amar Muzzamil Ridzuan, Mohd Syazwan Zainal

Open access

Understanding self-esteem in individuals with autism is a complex and varied undertaking, profoundly influenced by social interactions and support systems. Hence, this systematic literature review aims to elucidate the relationship between autistic traits and self-esteem. The search encompassed two comprehensive databases, SCOPUS, and Web of Science (WoS), spanning articles published from 2020 to 2024. Although initially, 81 articles were identified utilizing keywords such as "autistic traits" and "self-esteem," only 10 articles met the rigorous criteria for inclusion in this study. Adhering to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, this study ensures methodological rigor. Over the past five years, researchers from six countries have explored the correlation between autistic traits and self-esteem. Collectively, their findings consistently indicate lower self-esteem among individuals exhibiting high autistic traits, impacting various aspects of daily life. These insights not only deepen our understanding of this intricate relationship but also lay the groundwork for developing targeted interventions to mitigate the challenges faced by individuals characterized by high autistic traits and compromised self-esteem. By shedding light on this critical nexus, this study paves the way for future research endeavors and the implementation of effective interventions tailored to enhance the well-being of this population.

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(Ridzuan & Zainal, 2024)
Ridzuan, A. M., & Zainal, M. S. (2024). Unraveling The Relationship Between Autistic Traits and Self-Esteem: Insights From A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 1367–1381.