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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Inspiring Moves: How Practicum Teacher's Engagement and Encouragement Boost Students’ Self-Efficacy in Physical Education Class

Muhammad Naeimmuddin Zakaria, Mohamad Nizam Nazarudin

Open access

This study examines the correlation between the practicum teacher's engagement, encouragement, and students’ self-efficacy in physical education classes in Malaysia. Using a correlational research design, the study sampled 587 students aged 15-18 from secondary schools in one of the states in Malaysia. Data collection was facilitated through a self-developed questionnaire: Teacher Engagement in PE Scale (TEPS), Teacher Encouragement in PE Scale (TEEPS), and Student Self-Efficacy in PE Scale (SSEPS). The scales Cronbach’s alpha values are between 0.882 and 0.892. With SPSS version 29, descriptive statistics and Pearson's correlation analysis were carried out. The results indicated strong positive correlations between practicum teacher engagement (r = .873), encouragement (r = .862), and student self-efficacy. Although recent findings have underscored the positive correlations between these factors, a vast landscape remains for further exploration. Research directions have been proposed to build on the current body of knowledge and address existing gaps.

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(Zakaria & Nazarudin, 2024)
Zakaria, M. N., & Nazarudin, M. N. (2024). Inspiring Moves: How Practicum Teacher’s Engagement and Encouragement Boost Students’ Self-Efficacy in Physical Education Class. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 1440–1452.