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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Understanding The Landscape: A Scoping Review on Learning Disabilities in Malaysia

Nik Zatul-Iffah N Mohd Nabil, Mohd Syazwan Zainal

Open access

Learning disabilities (LDs) present a multifaceted challenge in Malaysia, impacting individuals' educational attainment, social inclusion, and overall quality of life. Despite growing recognition, a comprehensive understanding of the landscape of LDs in Malaysia remains elusive. This scoping review aims to address this gap by synthesizing existing literature to elucidate the interventions in educational approaches among LDs students in Malaysia. Methodologically, a systematic search of academic databases has been conducted to gather relevant literature. Expected results include a comprehensive mapping of the current state of knowledge, identification of key themes, trends, and disparities, and highlighting of gaps in research and practice. By consolidating existing evidence, this review endeavors to inform policymaking, guide professional practice, and raise awareness of LDs as a critical issue in Malaysian society. Ultimately, this scoping review seeks to foster greater understanding and inclusivity for individuals with LDs, promoting equitable access to education and support services across Malaysia.

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(Nabil & Zainal, 2024)
Nabil, N. Z.-I. N. M., & Zainal, M. S. (2024). Understanding The Landscape: A Scoping Review on Learning Disabilities in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(3), 1453–1461.