The investigation on performance between public and primary school pupils in southern Thailand is still unjustifiable due to lack of research and interest among scholars and researchers. Although the efforts by Thai government to increase the performance level of public school students had increased through budget allocation, however it is yet to be justifiable. Thus, this study examines the difference in performance between private and public schools in Thailand. A total of 100 students from both government and private primary school were examined. The result from the analysis posited that private schools perform better than public schools. An ANOVA is use to compare the difference between two public schools and one private school, where private school shows better performance, as compare to public school. However, the lower income family in public school scored higher than higher income family. The limitations and recommendations were also discussed in this paper.
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In-Text Citation: (Khun-Inkeeree et al., 2016)
To Cite this Article: Khun-Inkeeree, H., Omar-Fauzee, M. S., & Othman, M. K. H. (2016). The Mathematics Performance of Primary School Students’ in Southern Thailand. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 5(3), 42–52.
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