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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Effect of Academics’ Gender and Experience on Students’ Performance

Suria Majdi, Erlane K Ghani, NorBijan Abu Bakar

Open access

This study examines whether factors identified in the literature as influencing students’ performance explain students’ performance. Specifically, this study focuses on academics’ gender and experience to examine their effect on students’ performance. Using content analysis on 893 students’ result, this study found both academics’ gender and experience influence students’ performance. The results of this study show that academics influence students of the opposite gender more than the same gender and the relationship is negative. This study also shows that academics’ experience influences students’ performance and the relationship is positive. Such results indicate that academics that have longer working experience in the academic line would influence their students’ performance. The findings in this study also provide further understanding to the academics, faculties and universities on the importance of these factors on students’ performance in designing well-targeted policy interventions.