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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Malaysia as an industrialized country needs to remain relevant in order to attract foreign investors. The Industrial Revolution 4.0 that has hit the world has had a great impact not only on the country's economy but also on the field of education. The transformation of education through the introduction of the Education Development Plan (PPP) 2013-2025 is an effort by the Ministry of Education (MOE) to ensure that the IR 4.0 education goals are achieved. Design thinking is fundamental in IR 4.0 education and is also a key thrust in drafting the introduced PPP. The purpose of this concept paper is to comprehensively discuss design thinking from the definition, characteristics to the implementation and assessment of design thinking in the teaching and learning process at the school level. Among the implications of the implementation of design thinking is to produce students who are highly skilled and have a forward mindset and a positive mindset in making changes that benefit the society and the country. In conclusion, design thinking is important in education in Malaysia is not just an approach to solving problems but also a method of thinking that should be nurtured and cultivated in daily life.

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