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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Need to Develop a Malay Language Year 5 Module with a Neoteric Approach

Mohd Afifi Bahurudin Setambah, Mazarul Hasan Mohamad Hanapi, Azli Ariffin, Mohd Syaubari Othman, Mohd Nazir Md Zabit, Norazimah Zakaria

Open access

This study aims to identify the need to develop a Malay language module based on the neoteric approach. The research design used is a descriptive survey. A total of 100 teachers participated as respondents. The results of the study found that respondents showed a high level of agreement regarding the need for this module. This module is seen as important in efforts to renew Malay language teaching methods. It can also help align the curriculum with learning needs in the digital era. The use of a neoteric approach can enhance the effectiveness of teaching. It also has the potential to greatly benefit both students and teachers. This study is expected to have a positive impact on Malay language learning. The development of a more innovative and relevant module can improve the learning experience. Furthermore, this study can serve as a guide for the creation of modules that meet current needs. The findings are expected to have an impact on Malay language teaching and learning at the school level. In conclusion, this study provides an important foundation for the development of a more effective and responsive module.

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Setambah, M. A. B., Hanapi, M. H. M., Ariffin, A., Othman, M. S., Zabit, M. N. M., & Zakaria, N. (2024). The Need to Develop a Malay Language Year 5 Module with a Neoteric Approach. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(4), 311–320.