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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Perceptions of Secondary School Students towards 3CP Digital Learning Programme

Shirley Ling Jen, Abdul Rahim Haji Salam

Open access

With the introduction of Malaysia Digital Education Policy recently, there is a need to introduce digital teaching in our daily lessons. One of them is through the use of 3CP Digital Learning, an innovation from the Wakelet Students’ Ambassador Programme. This study investigates the perceptions of Malaysian secondary school students toward the use of 3CP Digital Learning Programme. This case study was carried out on 50 students from one of the secondary schools in Malaysia. Students’ perceptions regarding 3CP Digital Learning were identified through observation, questionnaire (google form) and interviews. The findings of the study show that the majority of the respondents showed favourable perceptions regarding 3CP Digital Learning Programme. Among the reasons they like to use 3CP Digital Learning are that it is an interesting programme, they can learn a lot from their friends, they can get a lot of information and they had a sense of accomplishment by completing the digital project. Hopefully, 3CP Digital Learning would be widely used throughout the country.

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