ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
In the 21st century, the way knowledge is organized, distributed, and learned has changed tremendously. These changes can strongly influence the teaching and learning processes in the classroom. In an era where organized knowledge is more than just a tree-like structure, the classic pedagogies are no longer effective or engaging enough for millennial learners. This study aims to identify suitable strategies based on innovative 21st century pedagogies that are relevant to promoting an immersive and engaging online learning environment for higher education students. To achieve this objective, a systematic literature review was executed. This paper elaborates on the rigorous systematic literature review process done on the 210 selected journal articles and papers on innovative pedagogies that contribute to an immersive and engaging online learning environment for higher education. The analysis reveals that even though different fields of study apply different innovative pedagogy strategies, most of them share similar themes in implementing the strategies during online learning. These are self-directed learning, autonomy, metacognition, active participation, peer collaboration, fluidity, and flexibility which are some of the elements advocated in 21st-century learning. These findings act as a heuristic device to propose suitable strategies to promote an immersive and engaging online learning environment for higher education students.
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