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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Impact of Language Immersion on Developing Arabic Language Skills in Non-Native Learners: A Descriptive Study

Abdulwasiu Isiaq Nasirudeen

Open access

This descriptive study aims to discover the impacts of language immersion on the learning process of Arabic as a second language. The effectiveness of the educational framework, Culture via Language (CvL), that seeks to foster fluency in Arabic by making students use as much target language as possible, is analysed. Research addresses the relationship of immersion level to listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities in the primary language. Classroom observation of non-native Arabic learners taking place in the language courses was also included as informal insights from questionnaires and interviews. The results of the studies revealed that immersion of foreign language comprehension as a whole grows, while the speaking and listening skills grow the most. This included, however, amongst several other concerns, adaptation to the linguistic and cultural environment and the learner's motivation. The research also discusses the benefits of immersion which helps improve the knowledge acquisition process and point out potential research directions to enhance the immersion process and, to address the problems, associated with it. The findings are important for educators and programme developers alike wishing to make Arabic language learning a matter of context.

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Nasirudeen, A. I. (2024). The Impact of Language Immersion on Developing Arabic Language Skills in Non-Native Learners: A Descriptive Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 13(4), 531–544.