ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
This review systematically analyses past studies on the efficacy of the Process Writing Approach (PWA) and plot diagrams in enhancing narrative writing skills among ESL learners. ESL learners often struggle with structuring their narratives, organising story elements coherently, and maintaining consistency, leading to difficulties in producing well-organised and engaging essays. By employing the PRISMA framework, 1700 records were found and evaluated through a multi-phase process: identification, screening, eligibility, and inclusion. As a result, 10 research studies were identified based on predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria, which were later put under a comprehensive analysis. The results underscore a significant positive impact of using PWA on improving writing abilities, particularly in terms of organisation, coherence, and language utilisation, facilitated by its systematic stages of prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. Additionally, plot diagrams assist learners in visualising and organising their narratives, hence enhancing their abilities to effectively map story components. Although both approaches exhibit particular advantages, further research is required to investigate the integration of digital technology with PWA and its relevance across diverse writing genres. This review highlights the potential of PWA and plot diagrams to revolutionise ESL narrative writing instruction and advocates for their implementation by educators to improve overall writing outcomes. Furthermore, this study suggests that a combination of these methods can foster creativity, critical thinking, and learner autonomy in ESL classrooms. Subsequent research should examine the long-term effects and adaptations across different educational contexts and explore ways to tailor these approaches to meet individual learner needs.
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