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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Teachers’ Awareness Level of Children's Emotional Development in Shah Alam

Ili Nadirah Juma’at, Suziyani Mohamed

Open access

Children's emotional development significantly influences their social relationships, enabling them to manage emotions and interact effectively with their environment. This study examined teachers' awareness of their knowledge and practices in managing children's emotions within an educational context. A survey research design was adopted, utilising a random sampling technique to select participants. A total of 60 kindergarten teachers participated in the study. Data collection involved a questionnaire adapted from previous research, which was distributed to teachers via the online platform Google Forms. The data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), employing descriptive statistical analysis. The findings revealed that respondents demonstrated a high level of awareness of children's emotional development. In addition, respondents also demonstrate high level of understanding and practices of emotional development in teaching and learning activities. These results suggest that respondent may receive sufficient pre-service training and in-service training throughout their career as a preschool teacher.

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