ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Recently, there has been great interest in Project Based Learning (PBL), a relatively new instructional strategy that helps elementary school students engage in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative learning. The objective of this systematic literature review (SLR) is to give a synthesis of the literature on the implementation of PBL in primary education, since it discusses the problems educators and students can have with this. A comprehensive search strategy across selected academic databases for the last decade is used to cover the studies reviewed. Several recurring challenges are illuminated by the findings: lack of teacher training, scarce resources, lack of rigour in assessment and, depending on the students, varying levels of student engagement and motivation. Additionally, the key ways of overcoming these challenges are identified, i.e. professional development programmes for the teachers, enhancing the use of technology and nurturing a good learning environment. This review highlights the implications which persist in suggesting that while PBL is well positioned to significantly improve primary education, a successful dissemination of PBL would depend on resolution of the problems identified through targeted intervention and policy support. Finally, future research directions are suggested for studying PBL effects over the long run, and developing scalable models for varied educational settings.
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