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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Implementation of Didik Hibur (Fun Learning) in Primary Schools

Gasturi R., Kairul Azhar Bin Jamaludin

Open access

The Implementation of Didik Hibur (Fun Learning) in primary schools aims to make the teaching and learning process more engaging and impactful by integrating interactive techniques such as singing, storytelling, role-playing, and play. This Specific Literature Review (SLR) synthesizes current research on the effectiveness, student engagement, and challenges associated with Fun Learning in primary education. The literature review reveals that Fun Learning significantly enhances student motivation and engagement, particularly in subjects like mathematics and language learning. However, several challenges impede its successful implementation, including teacher readiness, attitudes, resource availability, and adaptation to online learning environments. Addressing these challenges through targeted support and resources for educators is crucial to maximizing the benefits of Fun Learning in primary education. This SLR contributes to understanding the impact of Fun Learning on student learning and provides insights for overcoming barriers to its effective implementation.

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