ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Early childhood education is a critical foundation for lifelong learning. In this context, the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) approach is a priority to enhance preschool education in Malaysia, aligned with the National Preschool Standard Curriculum (KSPK). This study aims to assess the competency level of preschool teachers in implementing STEM education, focusing on 21st-century skills knowledge, pedagogy, mathematics, science, engineering, and technology. This study used a quantitative survey design with a questionnaire based on the STEMPCK framework. The study population comprised preschool teachers in Melaka Tengah, with a sample size of 89 teachers determined using the Krejcie and Morgan table for a population of 97 teachers. Data were collected through an online questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics to identify the teachers' competency levels. The findings revealed that teachers demonstrated strong competencies in mathematics and science, while engineering and technology required more attention. Pedagogical knowledge and 21st-century skills were at a satisfactory level, with moderate mean scores. The main challenges identified were integrating engineering concepts and effectively utilizing technology. These findings highlight the need for ongoing training and support for teachers, particularly in engineering and technology. The implications of this study are significant for policymakers and teacher training providers to deliver relevant support to enhance preschool teachers’ STEM competencies. Interventions such as TPACK-based training could be considered to strengthen STEM teaching. Overall, investments in adequate training and resources are crucial to ensuring STEM education is holistically implemented at the preschool level.
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