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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Validity and Reliability of the Teacher Leadership Inventory in Malaysian Educational Context

Mahaliza Mansor, Jamal@Nordin Yunus, Fanny Kho Chee Yuet

Open access

The aims of this article is to report the validity and reliability of the Teacher Leadership Self Assessment (TLSA). The sample of the study consists of 244 trained teachers who are chosen using random sampling technique from 19 secondary schools in Perak. The content validity, criterion validity and construct validity analyses have been carried out by using this set of data. The findings of this study using panel of expert views, Pearson correlation analysis and exploratory factor analysis through orthogonal rotation with varimax method has formed six factors, consisted of twenty eight-items of TLSA with factor loadings range from .52 -.74. The reliability Cronbach Alpha coefficient for the overall item is .91, meanwhile for each factor developed ranged from .66 to .83. As the conclusion, these analyses have generate a new pool of TLSA item to measure the construct of teacher leadership in Malaysian Educational context. However, the findings are valuable for the ministry of education, researchers, teachers, and teacher educators' references, which are interested more in exploring teacher leadership self assessment.