ISSN: 2226-6348
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As the dimension of this borderless world gets smaller, translation is seen as an important medium of communication. An effort with regard to translation has to be made, especially in relation to training for translators. Therefore, this study was conducted to carry out an initial survey of the training and teaching of translation among students majoring in Arabic language at the Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG). The instruments used in this study are document analysis as well as a simple survey involving students majoring in Arabic language and translation course lecturers. The findings indicated that translation courses are offered to students majoring in Arabic language at the preparatory level (PPISMP) in seven of the total of twenty-seven IPG nationwide. The findings also showed that most respondents felt that translation activity is very important, hence advanced translation courses should be offered at the degree level (PISMP). In conclusion, it is important to make the shift in the training and teaching of translation courses at IPG by making improvements in some specific areas.
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In-Text Citation: (Salim & Mansor, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Salim, N. R., & Mansor, I. (2018). Training and Teaching of Arabic Translation Course in IPG: Perspectives of Trainees and Trainers. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 7(4), 364–375.
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