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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Effects of Traditional Lecture Method and Multi-Sensory Approach on ELT Learners at Graduate Level

Saima Maqbool, Shaik Abdul Malik Bin Mohamed Ismail, Saira Maqbool, Shahzad Ul Hassan

Open access

The current study investigates the traditional verbal lecture method and the multi-sensory approach toward ELT at degree level. It was an investigative method having four groups, two controlled groups and two experimental groups who attempted pre-test and post-test. The controlled groups were taught with traditional lecture method and the experimental groups were taught to multisensory approach. Sample of 200 was selected form two universities randomly VAK Learning Styles Self-Assessment Questionnaire by Chislett and Chapman 2005 was used to know the dominant learning style of the learners. Descriptive statistics were used to find out the ratio of different styles of learner and correlation was find out to know the significant improvement of learning between the pre-test and post-test of all four groups. Some practical recommendations were suggested to make ELT teaching learning process more efficient.