ISSN: 2226-6348
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A very common problem in our education system is overcrowded classrooms, the idea of overcrowded classrooms envisaged large number of students as well as small space of the room, hence the study intends to find the problems teachers faced due to overcrowded classrooms. The major objectives were to find physical and academic problems teachers faced during classrooms. The population was teachers of government schools in Muzaffarabad district and sample was selected by using convenience sampling technique. The researcher developed a questionnaire and validated before its use, personally visited schools and collect data. After collection, data was analyzed by frequency and percentage method. The study found out that the discipline of the class, participation by students, evaluation by teachers and other physical problems do exists. It was recommended that a rationalization of the schools students just like teachers need to be made, physical barriers may be addressed and teachers may be provided trainings to handle large classes.
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In-Text Citation: (Fatima, Mushatq, & Fatima, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Fatima, Z. ul A., Mushatq, M., & Fatima, Q. U. A. (2019). Overcrowded Classroom Problems Faced By School Teachers in District Muzzafarabad. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 8(4), 328–339.
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