ISSN: 2226-6348
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The purpose of the study was to examine the patterns of teacher attitudes toward change (TATC) in the National-type Chinese Primary Schools (NCPSs) in Perak, Malaysia. A total of 473 respondents completed the survey with useful data. The findings revealed that a) teachers in NCPSs achieved the level of Quite Good in TATC and in its three domains i.e. Cognitive, Behavioral and Affective; b) teachers in NCPSs possess cognitively based attitudes; c) in terms of quadrants, teachers in NCPSs were located in the quadrant of Acceptance of TATC; and d) there were 70.82%, 21.36%, 6.34%) and 1.48% of the teachers in NCPSs located in the quadrants of Acceptance, Embracing, Indifference and Resistance of TATC, respectively. These implied that there is a dire need for improvement of TATC in NCPSs in Perak. The study provides a preliminary insight into the emergence of patterns and typology of TATC in NCPSs, offering local practitioners and relevant parties another dimension of understanding, enhancing and preparing the teachers’ capacity for change. The study also serves as a reference as the findings leave the door open for further exploration on TATC in NCPSs as well as other types of primary schools across other states in Malaysia.
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In-Text Citation: (Kin & Kareem, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Kin, T. M., Kareem, O. A. (2019). Teachers’ perception of attitudes toward change in the National-type Chinese Primary Schools in Perak, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 8(4), 402–417.
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