ISSN: 2226-6348
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Behavioral problems among adolescents are still widespread today, especially among the school students. Although the issue is widespread, an experimental study that focuses on the intensity of the problematic adolescents is still lacking in this country. To address these symptoms, the purpose of this experimental study is to look at the effects of the Cognitive Therapy Intervention (CTI) Module on resilience of adolescents’ with problematic behaviour. This study was conducted on 60 form four students. Students were divided into two groups which are treatment group (n = 30) and control group (n = 30). The treatment group was given intervention using the CTI module while the control group did not receive any intervention throughout the period of the experimental study. To control the differences of dependent variables, pre-test was given before treatment started. After eight weeks of treatment, the two groups were given a post-test followed by retention tests a month later. The questionnaire used to obtain the study data was based on Resilience Scale. Data analysis was created using the SPSS-Windows version 25.0 program. The data was analyzed using Analysis of Split Anova (SPANOVA). The results of the study found that CTI interventions succeeded in enhancing the survival of adolescent with problematic behaviors. It is proposed that CTI can be carried out as an alternative method of treating non-behavioural adolescents. Implication to the body of knowledge is expected to help the counsellors, educators and schools to improve students’ resilience and thereby reducing the behavioural problems among school students.
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In-Text Citation: (Len et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Len, N., Madihie, A., & Yusoff, S. M. (2020). Effects of Cognitive Therapy Intervention (CTI) on the Resilience with Problematic Behavior Among the Adolescents. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 9(2), 276–288.
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