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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Quantitative Study on the Usefulness of Mobile Learning Platforms in Organisations

Anamaria-Catalina Radu, Ivona Stoica, Andra-Luisa Preda, Ana-Maria Nedelcu

Open access

Mobile learning platforms have started to be used more and more in Romanian companies, managers using these tools to make it easier to provide all the details the employees need to operate in good conditions but also to gain new knowledge needed in the work process. In this paper, we have conducted a quantitative study on 128 respondents through which we wanted to identify the main factors that are able to influence the perception of respondents about the usefulness of mobile learning platforms that they use in organisations where they work. Data analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 20.

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In-Text Citation: (Radu, Stoica, Preda, Nedelcu, 2020).
To Cite this Article: Radu, A-C., Stoica, I. (Rapan)., Preda, A-L., Nedelcu, A-M. (2020). Quantitative Study on the Usefulness of Mobile Learning Platforms in Organisations. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education & Development. 9(2), 588-596.