ISSN: 2226-6348
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Accounting programmes in Malaysian public universities have long been encouraged to utilise service-based learning as an educational tool to translate theory learnt in the classroom to practical application into a real-life scenario. This paper describes a service learning project that was adopted in a Malaysian undergraduate tax class, which involved the preparation of tax computation and the giving of tax advice to the clients derived from the local community. Students would document the details of the process in a report, and submit reflection journals on their experience. Student evaluation of this project is obtained via a survey; qualitative evaluation is obtained via reflection journals. Student perceptions of this project were largely positive, and the project was seen to contribute towards the course learning outcomes. Students also cited the following as outcomes experienced after the project: better appreciation of the real-world business setting, attainment of better communication, knowledge management and time management skills, better understanding of course content, increased confidence level, experience of a sense of responsibility to the community and the possibility of adopting the tax field as a future career choice.
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In-Text Citation: (Cheuk, et. al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Cheuk, S., Cheuk, S., Nichol, E., Marsidi, A., Ali, S. S. S., Sahari, S., Jakpar, S., Tinggi, M., Yusof, S. M., Mohamed, A. S., Lee, D., and Janang, J. (2020). Service Learning in a Malaysian Undergraduate Tax Class. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education & Development. 9(2), 661-673.
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