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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Industrial Design Graduates’ Perspective on E-Learning in Higher Education

Teo Pei Kian, Yusri Kamin, Muhammad Sukri Saud

Open access

This article discusses the criteria for emphasizing on graduates’ perspective on using e-learning in higher education and focus on Industrial Design programme. Nowadays, just theory teaching methods as used in earlier time cannot provide sufficiently well for students’ learning especially for design programme like Industrial Design. The use of the Internet, digitalization and virtualization enables the integration of technology and educational resources to help form a learner-oriented teaching environment. This study is seeking to incorporate the platform of creative teaching which is e-learning and including the use of lively transferable skill. The objectives of this article are to study perception of e-learning system as a creative teaching method for Industrial Design programme; to investigate the outcome of e-learning system as a creative teaching method for Industrial Design programme. A quantitative research design was conducted to examine Industrial Design students’ perception on e-learning. For the purpose of this study, convenience sampling was employed whereby the population of this study comprised the respondents from Johor Bahru, Malaysia only. A total of 35 Industrial Design students were participated in this study and they were agreed to voluntarily participate in the study. In summary, this article consolidates the effectiveness of e-learning as a type of learning method and the importance of e-learning in higher education for Industrial Design students.

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In-Text Citation: (Kian, Kamin, & Saud, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Kian, T. P., Kamin, Y., & Saud, M. S. (2020). Industrial Design Graduates’ Perspective on E-Learning in Higher Education. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education & Development. 9(2), 687-701.