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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

A Mediation Analysis of the Effect of Principal’s Transformational Leadership on the Relationship between Total Quality Management and Teacher Quality

Mohd Rahimi A Rahman, Mohamed Yusoff Mohd Nor, Jamalul Lail Abdul Wahab, Ashairi Suliman

Open access

This study aims to examine the relationship between total quality management practice and teacher quality in secondary schools, as well as to identify the effect of principal’s transformational leadership style on the relationship between both. This study used a cross-sectional survey involving 423 secondary school teachers from all over Malaysia. This study utilised the Pearson’s correlation inference analysis to determine the relationship between variables and SPSS Macro Process 3.0 analysis to identify the mediating effect. The results showed that the relationship between total quality management practice and principal’s transformational leadership style is positive and significant, where reward demonstrated the most significant relationship. Furthermore, the relationship between the principal’s transformational leadership style and teacher quality also indicates a positive relationship in which inspirational motivation also shows the highest value of relationships. In addition, total quality management has a positive and significant relationship with teacher quality with continuous improvement shows the highest value of relationships. Additionally, the Value Adjustment Factor (VAF) for mediating effect was 24.4%. Thus, this study has demonstrated that total quality management practice has a partial mediating effect on teacher quality.

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In-Text Citation: (Rahman, Nor, Abdul Wahab, & Suliman, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Rahman, M. R. A., Nor, M. Y. M., Abdul Wahab, J. L., & Suliman, A. (2020). A Mediation Analysis of the Effect of Principal’s Transformational Leadership on the Relationship between Total Quality Management and Teacher Quality. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education & Development. 9(2), 786-804.