ISSN: 2226-6348
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This study evaluates the content of Pendidikan Islam (Islamic Education) subject in creating a software application for students with hearing problems. For this purpose, survey methods are used to determine the content and design of the software developed. The study findings show that i'badah (worship) recorded the highest mean of 4.35 and 0.534 compared to Aqidah, Akhlaq, Sirah, Al-Quran and Hadith. The topic of Salah (prayer) which comes under I'badah category, recorded the highest mean with a value of 4.57 and s.d = 0.486 compared to Wudhu' (ablution), Istinja' (removing impurity), Ghusl (full ablution), the Concept of Purification, and the Concept of I’badah and Categories of Hukm Shari’e (rule of Islamic law) . The overall study found that the mean of agreement is at a high level with 3.5; s.d = 0.407 or 76.7 percent agreed with the design features namely text, graphics, animation, sound, font, interactive, screen navigation, color and flexibility hence they are given priority in creating Islamic Education software application for topic of Salah under I'badah category. Realizing the application on solah is very much needed by hearing impaired students, thus its features should be technology friendly for persons with disabilities (PWD) to ensure effective and organized information sharing on aspects of i'badah.
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In-Text Citation: (Razalli et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Razalli, A. R., Yasin, M. H. M., Mamat, N., Lakulu, M., Hashim, A. T. M., & Ariffin, A. (2021). Content Assessment on Pendidikan Islam Subject in Creating Learning Application for Hearing Impaired Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 10(1), 562-574.
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