This article will discuss a simple question: How has Turkey be affected by the European Debt Crisis? The article will discuss general economic conditions in Turkey and provide important economic indicators, describe the history of Turkey’s involvement with the European Union, and relate how Turkey avoided the worst negatives of the European crisis. The article argues that Turkish domestic demand has been the driving force behind Turkey’s economic growth, and describes the important role of Turkey’s Central Bank. The article concludes by discussing the relationship between the IMF and Turkey and the necessary structural reforms required for transforming the economy of Turkey, and the main strengths and weakness in the Turkish economy.
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In-Text Citation: (Richard, J. H. J., & Kilic, 2013)
To Cite this Article: Richard, J. H. J., & Kilic, M. (2013). The Effects of the European debt Crisis on the Economic Future of Turkey: A Country Study. International Journal of Acdemic Research in Accounting, Finance and Managment Science, 3(1), 131–150.
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