The purpose of doing this project is determination of citizenship behavior on the social behavior in the cement factory. In this project for study of statistical community has been used from questionnaire which its correlation coefficient is 7. Also for analyzing of data, we use frequency, mean and for summarizing of data, we use of deductive testing, also for confirmative testing, has been used of software's Amos. In this project, hypothesis has bee studying with using SPSS and Amos software's and Pearson correlation coefficient. Number of people in Statistical community which has been studying is 1500 people that for the reason of largeness of it has been studying 150 people with using of Morgan's chart. According to the conclusions from analyzing of the project's hypotheses, the effect of administrative citizenship behavior on the employees' social capital has positive and meaningful influence.
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In-Text Citation: (Ebrahimi et al., 2013)
To Cite this Article: Ebrahimi, R., Karimi, A., Zargar, S., Gholami, F., & Emadzadeh, M. K. (2013). The Effect of Organization Citizenship Behavior on Social Capital in Iran’s Cement Factories. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting Finance and Management Sciences, 3(2), 138–145.
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