The present research has been done to consider the technological and technical factors affected on the implementation of business intelligence system in Shuttle Company which presents Internet services. The type of this research is from descriptive-quantitative one. In order to determine the technological and technical factors, the literature of the subject has been considered and the effective factors have been extracted through the studying of Shuttle Company. These factors were classified based on experts’ ideas and distributed in the form of questionnaire. The descriptive statistics were used to analyze the descriptive data and analytic factor analysis was done by means of SPSS and LISREL software for the purpose of determining the factors validity (ranges of research) and examining the hypotheses. At the end, all of the components of technological and technical factors were confirmed as effective factors on the implementation of business intelligence system. These components include Extensible technical framework (hardware and software), System and data quality, Appropriate technology/tools, Integration between Business intelligence systems with other systems.
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In-Text Citation: (Khojasteh et al., 2013)
To Cite this Article: Khojasteh, N., Ansari, R., & Abadi, H. R. D. (2013). A Study of the Influencing Technological and Technical Factors Successful Implementation of Business Intelligence System in Internet Service Providers Companies. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting Finance and Management Sciences, 3(3), 1–11.
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