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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

Analyzing the Impact of Service Quality Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Banking Industry of Iran

Maysam Molaee, Reza Ansari, Hadi Teimuori

Open access

Given the importance of customers in the banking industry, this paper examines the effects of service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, in line with how service quality dimensions in a bank forms customer satisfaction and loyalty, it has been tried to identify the constructs of each dimension to the directors and heads of Bank Mellat to help them design and implement appropriate and effective strategies to make their customers loyal. The population of this study is customers of selected branches of Bank Mellat in Iran and the samples consist of 150 of these people and the data have been collected by questionnaires. The sampling approach used to select these people was availability sampling method. After the analysis using structural equation modeling, GFI value equal to 0.93, NFI equal to 0.95, CFI equal to 0.98, RMSEA equal to 0.068 were obtained all of which were acceptable in the range and the model was validated. The results of this study indicate that the dimension of responsiveness has the greatest impact on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Among the dimensions of service quality, two dimensions of reliability and empathy didn't have significant impact on customer satisfaction.