This study has been applied with the objective of analyzing the factors that may reduce the employees’ motivation in the sample population consisted of employees of Keshavarzi Bank branches in great Tehran. This research is an applied study with the descriptive correlative nature and has been implemented as a field study (survey) and using questionnaire. In this study, stratified random proportional sampling was used for choosing the employees of Keshavarzi Bank in Tehran. Population consists of all employees of Keshavarzi bank, employed in management branch and branches of great Tehran including 1040 persons. Out of them 233 employees were selected by sampling method and based on Cochrane formula. SPSS was used for analysis of data. Results obtained from individual effect of independent variables on dependent variable from the viewpoint of Keshavarzi Bank employees indicates that among organizational factors, psychological factors, knowledge, specialty and job skills, social inductions and organizational judgments, educational factors, managerial factors and organizational experiences have positive and significant association with employees’ demotivation. Summary of the collective effect of independent variables on dependent variable according to multivariate regression indicates that social inspirations and organizational judgments, psychological, managerial, organizational factors, knowledge, specialty and job skills have significant effect on employees’ demotivation. This study is probably the first to propose a reduction in staff motivation is to explore the causes. This study is somewhat different from previous works. Because, most studies have focused increase staff motivation. Some of the findings can be applied in a number of other financial institutions. Today, understanding the factors influencing employee motivation decreasing Is the new way to understand the reason for not reaching the organization's goals.
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In-Text Citation: (Jalalian et al., 2014)
To Cite this Article: Jalalian, M., Sayadi, V., & Shabankareh, N. (2014). Investigation and identification of Factors Affecting Reduction of the Motive of Keshavarzi Bank Employees in Tehran Province Branches. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting Finance and Management Sciences, 4(3), 235–247.
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