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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

Preparing Accounting Graduates for Their Unpredictable Futures: The Insights from Accounting Graduates

Anis Suriati Ahmad, Zuriadah Ismail, Rohaila Yusof, Nur Liana Ridzuan

Open access

In a rapidly evolving environment, the ability to anticipate and prepare for future skills requirements and knowledge is increasingly critical and challenging for higher education institutions around the world. A crucial question to be asked is regarding the appropriate set of skills and knowledge that should be embedded in the accounting curricula to prepare a future-ready accountant. Thus, this study examines knowledge and skills required by the accounting graduates at the time of entry to the profession. The questionnaire is used to solicit accounting graduates and students’ viewpoint on the perceived knowledge and skills required by them at the time of entry to the profession. Descriptive statistic is employed to explain the finding of the study. Findings show that audit and investigation is perceived as the most important technical/knowledge competencies, whilst information technology is rated high in terms of professional skills. In regards to values, ethics and attitudes, trust and integrity are considered as the most important elements in the accounting profession. The outcome of this study serves as an important input for current and future accounting education, particularly to the accounting degree program in Malaysia.