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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

Predictors to Job Motivation among Private Sector Employees in Malaysia

Muhammad Omar, Asmahani Mahdi, Leviana Andrew, Mohd Zamri Abu Bakar, Habiel Zakariah

Open access

Employees motivation has long been of interest to individuals concerned with the quality of their working lives, as it has a direct relationship with productivity and work performance. Without it, organizations experience decreased productivity, lower levels of output, and are more likely to fall short of important organizations goals. This paper seeks to discuss the roles of skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback on the relationship with job motivation among private service sector employees in Malaysia. Further, this paper later expanded from concept and definitions of all the determinants variables. It demonstrates that all the variables contribute to job motivation since they are able to comprehend their task. This research will contribute to the body of information surrounding the topic that influence the work motivation of employees. In addition, the management of the firm would profit from the findings of this study, as it would assist them in motivating their valuable employees to complete the assigned tasks.