Companies in the insurance industry are significant actors in the service economy, and their services are increasingly being integrated into the broader financial sector. In both developed and emerging countries, the insurance industry is critical to the service-based economy’s success. In Malaysia, the severe competition in a non-life segment, the expanding market share of private insurance companies, and the increasing amount of risks retained by insurers have all had an impact on their performance in recent years. Consequently, this study examines internal factors, namely leverage, premium growth, and firm size, towards the profitability of the selected insurance companies in Malaysia. Yearly-basis data between 2014 to 2021 have been taken from public annual reports from 15 out of the 22 general-insurance companies in Malaysia. To estimate the factors involved, the observations were analysed using the Pooled Ordinary Least Square Regression Model. The sources of these data have been mainly obtained from DataStream. The findings have suggested that leverage has a significant and negative relationship with profitability, while premium growth and firm size have a substantial and positive association with the firm’s profitability. In addition, the findings appear to indicate that the management of their overall assets is highly productive, reducing the use of leverage, expanding the size of the firms, increasing premium growth, and controlling underwriting risks are the prerequisites and attributes for achieving high-profitability performance.
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In-Text Citation: (Salleh et al., 2023)
To Cite this Article: Salleh, W. A., Manaf, S. M. A., & Hassan, M. H. A. (2023). The Analysis of Leverage, Premium Growth, and Firm Size towards the Profitability of Selected Malaysian General-Insurance Companies. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting Finance and Management Sciences, 13(1), 1–10.
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