ISSN: 2225-8329
Open access
Background: Malaysia, like the majority of other countries, has a system in place to ensure that SMEs do not continue to suffer as a result of the proliferation of Covid-19. Among the measures implemented is the assistance of crowdfunding sites to guarantee that SMEs have alternative financing channels even in the event of a calamity. Furthermore, the entrepreneur must work to solve the challenges that occur as a result of the pandemic.
Objectives: To investigate the ECF as an alternate source of capital throughout the Covid-19 choas.
Methodology: The content on the Pitch Platforms Sdn Bhd’s website from March 18, 2020, to April 5, 2021, as well as the relevant literature on the prospects of crowdfunding in assisting entrepreneurs in acquiring money amid the Covid-19 issue, were observed.
Findings/ Implications: The study focuses on the usage of online funding via equity-based platforms in Malaysia during the outbreak. The ECF has a significant impact on Malaysian entrepreneurial finance. ECF encourages the development of crisis-resistant business models and raises entrepreneurs' understanding of digitization, technology, and web financing for expansion plans, particularly in potential business concepts. This analysis also indicates some intriguing research directions.
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In-Text Citation: (Kassim & Shafii, 2023)
To Cite this Article: Kassim, S. F. M., & Shafii, Z. (2023). Pandemic Chaos: Equity-based Crowdfunding in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting Finance and Management Sciences, 13(1), 439–465.
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