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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

The Role of Prior Experience as a Positive Contributor to Social Entrepreneurial Intentions among Undergraduate Business Students

Purbo Jadmiko, Pudi Setiyawan

Open access

The intention to engage in social entrepreneurship among 354 undergraduate business students in Indonesia is studied by this research. This research used multiple regression techniques that were carried out using Stata. Statistics discovered that males performed better in each of the indicators mentioned above than females. This implies that prior experience, self-efficacy, social entrepreneurial intention, and moral obligation are generally higher among men in this sample. Besides, prior experience, self-efficacy, and moral obligation were found to correlate with social entrepreneurial intention in this study highly. The greatest positive effect came from prior experience, while self-efficacy and moral obligation were the next most potent effects.
These findings are a significant contribution to understanding the factors that influence social entrepreneurial intentions among business students. The implications of this study suggest that students need more practical experience, emphasis on developing entrepreneurial skills, and a more mature understanding of moral obligation. Further studies are recommended to expand the scope of variables, involve multi-disciplinary samples, and test the impact of specific interventions to gain deeper practical insights.

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(Jadmiko & Setiyawan, 2023)
Jadmiko, P., & Setiyawan, P. (2023). The Role of Prior Experience as a Positive Contributor to Social Entrepreneurial Intentions among Undergraduate Business Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 13(4), 299–312.