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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

Authentic Leadership on Industrial Harmony in the Devolved Public Health Sector in Kenya

Beauttah Mwangi Waweru, Ann Kariuki, Edward Mburu

Open access

Organizations across the globe face challenges of achieving work place harmony impacting on the employees, employers, stakeholders, government, consumers and the economy at large. This study investigated the influence of authentic leadership on industrial harmony in the devolved public health sector in Kenya. The research design used in this study was mixed methods research methodology. The target population was 351 health workers in level 5 County Referral Hospitals selected using stratified random sampling, in the Central Economic Regional Bloc (CEREB). Qualitative data was collected using questionnaires and analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics comprised means and standard deviation while inferential statistics comprised regression analysis. The study established that authentic leadership has a significant influence on industrial harmony in the devolved public health sector in Kenya. Authentic leadership brings in a sense of ownership, satisfying employees demands as well as self-actualization. Employees resonate with leadership that is transparent, ethical and objective in the way it handles their issues without bias. Such an environment enhances honest, genuine and timely work progress feedback hence minimizing the probability of work-related conflicts.