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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

Education Supply Chain Management Framework for Higher Education in United Arab Emirates

Marwan A. Al Malek, Norlaile Binti Salleh Hudin

Open access

The article examines the educational supply chain management framework within higher education in the UAE, focusing on its role in preparing graduates for the job market and addressing potential mismatches between educational outcomes and labor market needs. The research explores several key objectives: understanding how higher education prepares graduates for the job market, identifying any existing mismatch between educational qualifications and job market demands, analyzing challenges within the education supply chain, and proposing a framework to mitigate education-job mismatches. Adopting qualitative research methods, the study involved eight participants from both educational and non-educational sectors. Data was collected using structured interviews and analyzed thematically. The findings underscored the crucial role of higher education institutions in equipping graduates with relevant skills and knowledge through academic programs and internship opportunities. The challenges such as poor communication, inadequate collaboration, curriculum deficiencies, and a lack of innovation contribute to the mismatch between education and job market needs. The implications of these findings suggest the necessity for enhancing professional development opportunities, improving academic program quality, integrating robust internship programs to better align educational outcomes with job market requirements. Effective coordination among stakeholders is crucial to bridge the gap between theory and practice in higher education. The study highlights the broader impacts on the UAE's higher education system, emphasizing the need for enhanced understanding and implementation of educational supply chain management. It advocates for government policies that support graduate employability through quality assurance mechanisms, internship initiatives, and targeted professional development strategies. Ultimately, the article calls for a comprehensive approach to managing the educational supply chain in the UAE, one that fosters collaboration, innovation, and responsiveness to evolving job market demands. By addressing these issues, higher education institutions can better prepare graduates for successful integration into the workforce, thereby contributing to the overall socio-economic development of the UAE.

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