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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

The Effect of Tax Incentives on Innovation and Enterprise Performance: A Literature Review

Qiong Peng, Zuriadah Ismail, Nor Hanani Ahamad Rapani

Open access

In the context of globalization, numerous nations have adopted tax incentives aimed at fostering technological innovation and economic development. The paper seeks to investigate global tax incentive policies in detail with specific focus on their efficiency and corporate innovation capacity and performance. It is shown that this strategy has vaguer results in terms of innovation and performance for different kinds and sizes of enterprises. Despite the fact that rewards provide the participants with a positive stimulus, several problems in policy design and implementation were outlined, including the absence of sufficient motivational measures and the complexity of the policy implementation. By comparing the two, this review outlines key elements of effective tax incentive policy, which include the flexibility of the policy, clear policy goals, and policy support for proper internal management within firms. These findings, hence, offer fresh insights for theoretical research and managerial prescriptions to policy makers and business managers for framing and fine-tuning their policy of taxation. Finally, such approaches have the task of defining the conditions for the possible technological advancement and economic growth.

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(Qiong et al., 2024)
Qiong, P., Ismail, Z., & Rapani, N. H. A. (2024). The Effect of Tax Incentives on Innovation and Enterprise Performance: A Literature Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 14(3), 183–195.