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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance: An Empirical Evidence in Southwestern Malaysia

Muhamad Fadli Razali, Shah Rollah Abdul Wahab, Nur Syafiqah A. Rahim, Amalina Ibrahim, Junaidah Yusof, Dongso Yoo

Open access

In recent years, authors have highlighted the importance of emotional intelligence as a predictor of life success. Previous research has found that emotional intelligence is one of the decisive variables that may motivate people to do a better job or vice versa. However, the findings on the effect between the two variables were inconsistent and there is currently minimal research in the context of Malaysian manufacturing companies. This study aims to investigate the effect of emotional intelligence and job performance among operators in a manufacturing company located at southwestern Malaysia. In this study, the researcher used a 48-item questionnaire to collect responses from 103 studied operators. The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire Short Form was used to assess emotional intelligence, while the Individual Work Performance Questionnaire was employed to assess job performance. The data was then analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and SmartPLS. The main finding of this study reveals that there was a significant effect of emotional intelligence on job performance in the studied respondents. It demonstrates that people with high emotional intelligence perform better on the job because they are able to manage relationships with other colleagues and overcome obstacles at work. On top of that, the researcher identified areas for more investigation to take into account in the future. Future research could consider conducting this similar study in a wider range of locations with the cooperation of numerous manufacturing companies. Furthermore, other instruments such as the Wong & Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS) may be used in future research to measure emotional intelligence.

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