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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

Does Collaborative Research Matter in the Open Online Flexible Distance Learning Higher Education Institutions

Zahir Osman, Bibi Nabi Ahmad Khan, Huong An Thi Nguyen, Noral Hidayah Alwi

Open access

This study explored the complex relationship between organizational support, self-efficacy, and collaborative research among academicians within the context of open online flexible distance learning institutions. Recognizing the crucial role of academicians in collaborative research, the study explored these constructs within the higher education landscape. A total of 383 academicians participated in the study through a structured questionnaire. Employing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the study analyzed the data to examine the direct and indirect effects of organizational support and self-efficacy on collaborative research mediated by attitude. The findings revealed significant positive relationships between organizational support, self-efficacy, and attitude toward collaborative research. Crucially, attitude mediated the relationship between organizational support and self-efficacy in predicting engagement in collaborative research. These results underscore the importance of fostering a supportive organizational climate, enhancing academicians' self-efficacy, and cultivating a positive attitude towards collaboration to stimulate collaborative research. While this study offers valuable insights, future research should explore the long-term impacts of interventions that enhance organizational support and self-efficacy on collaborative research outcomes. Additionally, investigating the moderating effects of factors such as institutional culture, technological infrastructure, and academic discipline on the relationships between the studied variables would enrich the understanding of this complex phenomenon.