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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

Bibliometric Visualization of Financial Inclusion and Bank Efficiency: A Comprehensive Overview

Nabilah Abdul Shukur, Fadzlan Sufian

Open access

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the development of financial inclusion and bank efficiency as there is limited consensus on the direction and magnitude of both relationships. A bibliometric study was conducted on a selection of 106 Scopus and WoS publications from the years 1998 to 2023 on the topic of financial inclusion and bank efficiency. The research used a combination of ScientoPy and VOSviewer to provide additional capabilities for creating bibliometric networks and conducting content analysis. The bibliometric study demonstrates that China has a dominant presence in the subject of financial inclusion and efficiency, making major contributions in these fields. The most renowned writers were Das A. and Ghosh S. (2006), and The Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science was considered one of the leading academic journals. The research in the field has been dominated by Vietnam’s institutions. Ultimately, a total of four significant clusters were determined using keyword analysis. The primary topics are financial inclusion, financial system, banking risk analysis, and efficiency. It provides new opportunities for further investigation, thus increasing the level of interest among scholars to get a deeper understanding of the challenges and possibilities of advancing financial inclusion.

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