ISSN: 2225-8329
Open access
Employee readiness to change is crucial in open, online, flexible distance-learning higher education institutions, where technological advancements and dynamic educational needs necessitate a workforce that can swiftly adapt to evolving demands. This study explores the direct and indirect effects of leadership change and organizational culture on employee readiness to change, with organizational commitment serving as a mediator. By understanding these relationships, the research seeks to provide valuable insights into enhancing adaptability within educational institutions. Data for this study were collected through an online survey distributed to employees within these institutions, using purposive sampling to target individuals directly involved in change processes. 353 respondents participated in the analysis after filtering for completeness and relevance. The data analysis used Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). This allowed for a comprehensive evaluation of the measurement and structural model, ensuring robust validity and reliability in testing the hypotheses. Results from hypothesis testing demonstrated significant impacts: leadership change and organizational culture directly and positively influenced employee readiness to change. Organizational commitment was confirmed as an essential mediator in these relationships. Notably, the findings suggest that enhancing leadership practices and fostering a supportive organizational culture can effectively boost employee readiness to change, underscoring the role of commitment as a critical factor that links these dynamics. The study's implications suggest actionable strategies for educational leaders to foster a more adaptable workforce by emphasizing transformational leadership and aligning organizational culture with institutional goals. For future research, it is recommended to conduct longitudinal studies to observe these dynamics over time and comparative analyses across various educational settings to validate and extend the applicability of the current findings.
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