ISSN: 2225-8329
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The banking sector is more revolutionized than ever, with advanced technologies driving a rapid change in the financial industry. This study aims to explore and understand how digital technologies, mainly Industry 4.0, influence the perception of the board of governance to adopt FinTech services in Saudi Arabia. Theoretically, this study integrated and employed a resource-based view and institutional theory. A qualitative research technique was applied to gain different insights from diverse respondents from the banking industries. A purposive sampling method was adopted, and semi-structured interviews were conducted, taking a sample of 17 respondents. Thus, NVivo software was used to analyze data. Findings from the present study indicate that boards with structured, inclusive decision-making frameworks capitalize more effectively on diverse perspectives, ensuring responsible and adaptable FinTech strategies within the Industry 4.0 context. The novelty of this study contributes to the resource-based view and institutional theory by positioning board diversity as a critical asset for competitive advantage in the digital era. Practical implications suggest that organizations prioritize targeted board diversity, particularly in technology and compliance, to navigate Industry 4.0 challenges while maintaining customer trust and operational resilience.
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