This qualitative research examines the factors influencing employability among graduates from private universities, adopting a global perspective. Through in-depth interviews with recent graduates, employers, and career services professionals across different countries, the study identifies key determinants that impact graduates' transition into the workforce. The findings highlight that practical experience, such as internships and industry collaborations, significantly enhances employability by providing hands-on skills and professional networks. Graduates emphasized the importance of soft skills, including communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, which are highly valued by employers. Additionally, the relevance and currency of academic curricula in aligning with industry needs were found to be crucial. The study also uncovers regional disparities in employability outcomes, influenced by varying levels of economic development, labour market conditions, and higher education quality. Participants pointed out the role of university support services, such as career counselling and job placement assistance, in facilitating smoother transitions into employment. Challenges such as skill mismatches, lack of work experience, and limited access to professional opportunities were also discussed. The research suggests that enhancing employability requires a multifaceted approach, including curricular reforms, stronger industry-academia partnerships, and comprehensive career support services. By providing a global viewpoint, this study underscores the complex interplay of factors affecting employability and the need for targeted strategies to prepare graduates for the dynamic global job market.
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