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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

The Impact of Exchange Rate Change on Inflation Using Bibliometric Analysis from 1975 to 2024

Elalem Abdussalam H. Mohamed, Abdulmajid Obaid Hasan Saleh

Open access

This study employs a bibliometric technique to explore the relationship between inflation and fluctuations in exchange rates, focusing on literature published from 1975 to 2024. The primary aim is to provide a structured overview of the evolution of this field by identifying key trends, prominent authors, institutions, publications, and topic clusters. A rigorous bibliometric methodology is utilized to analyze publication trends, co-citations, and keyword co-occurrences, drawing on data from the Scopus database. The findings indicate an increasing interest in topics such as inflation targeting, exchange rate pass-through, and the impact of global factors like oil prices on inflation and exchange rates, especially in emerging markets. The results reveal a growing body of knowledge in recent years, with both developed and developing countries being well represented. The study contributes theoretically by mapping the knowledge structure of the field and outlining fundamental research questions that can be explored in future studies. On a practical level, it provides valuable insights for economists and policymakers by highlighting effective strategies for managing inflation and ensuring exchange rate stability, particularly in economies vulnerable to global changes.

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Mohamed, E. A. H., & Saleh, A. O. H. (2024). The Impact of Exchange Rate Change on Inflation Using Bibliometric Analysis from 1975 to 2024. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 14(4), 940–957.