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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

Exploring the Elements that Influence Bank Customers’ Intention to Adopt Fintech

Suann Lee, Mun Sum Foong, Piaralal S.K, Alwi N.H

Open access

Financial Technology (also known as Fintech) uses software and digital platforms such as artificial intelligent systems, blockchain technology, and mobile applications to further develop services in numerous industries, including payments, loans, asset management, and regulatory compliance. Despite the possible advantages, many people are still reluctant to embrace Fintech due to particular concerns. Hence, this study examines the factors that influence the intention to adopt fintech. This study will analyze the relationship between six independent variables and the intention to adopt fintech. Primary data will be used, and 200 data were collected from respondents using purposive sampling and then analyzed with JASP and Smart PLS 4.0. As a result, performance expectancy, perceived ease of use, and facilitating conditions show significant correlations with the intention to adopt fintech.

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